
New Member
Hi All, well, before I take the seat out and set fire to it, can anyone point out where that damned noise is coming from? I have a 300 Tdi automatic, and when the revs reach the gear change point or 75 - 80 mph, the passenger seat gives off an annoying vibration rattle. Of course, the noise is bearable during the brief gear changes, but when I'm cruising along on the motorway, the noise is distracting in the extreme! :mad:

Before you say it, I won't drive at 65 - 70 mph, apart from it being annoying, I think it's dangerous to drive 15 mph slower than all the other motorway drivers. :rolleyes:

I just wondered if this was a recognised problem, and what to do to fix it. Apart from replacing the seat. I'm off to the Czech Republic in 2 weeks time, and REALLY need to get this fixed before I go. 1 wife and 2 little 'uns will be bad enough!

I don't think it's that little panel on the l/h side, I wedged some foam in there and it didn't do anything. The thing is, when the noise appears, if I gently push the top of the seat back forward, the noise then disappears. The seat itself seems to be a 'closed circuit' so to speak, so I'm loathe to rip the seat covering off in an effort to find the culprit!
Try, giving it a bit of a bash... its the hammer treatment without the hammer...

Prolly a loose sumtin or other. Tighten everything up on it.

Does it go when the seat has someone in it...
Try, giving it a bit of a bash... its the hammer treatment without the hammer...

Prolly a loose sumtin or other. Tighten everything up on it.

Does it go when the seat has someone in it...

Yep, it does it with someone in it or no. RE the hammer treatment, I can't really see anywhere I can hit it, as its all covered in cloth. The same goes for things I can tighten up, I can't really see anyhting, without removing the stitching of the seat upholstery!
Yea, mite be the back support thing, they tend to stop working and sort of just sit there doing nothing, turn the knob halfway up the seat and see if the lumber support is still working, if not, bash the area its in.
Aha! It WAS the little panel on the l/h side! :eek:

I had to rip it off as the attachment lugs wouldn't give, so I guess I need a new panel, as the lugs are an integral part of the panel.

I tell you, its bliss now to drive! That noise (even if it wasn't occuring all the time) was driving me mad!

Anyone know where I can get a cheap new panel? Anyone know the P/No? Can't find anything on the TIS.

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