
New Member
Hi all, haven't been on here in a long while as things have been running OK with my FL, until now.

The problem is vibration coming from (or at least appears to come from) the front n/s wheel/drive gear area.

The vibration is more noticeable when under accelaration from standstill, and seems to increase pro-rata the heavier you accelerate. It is also more pronounced when turning right!

Basically, you can feel it there all of the time but gets worse when you accelerate from start or turn right.

Several months ago, I replaced the rear diff front mount, which cured the usual clonking noise and made it feel generally tighter.

I have checked the VCU operation by marking the prop either side and taking it for a short spin - the marks didn't line up on return, so I assume that the VCU is operating correctly.

Both front wheel barings appear OK, I can't feel any play in either and while I can feel some movement in the front drive shafts, both appear to move the same amount.

There is some judder on pulling away, but I assume this is probbaly either engine mount rubbers perished or clutch related (maybe a combination). I also think that the VCU rubber mounts (bearings) may need replacing and this is probably contributing to the judder.

Getting back to the vibration, I have changed the front n/s wheel and also had a new tyre put on, none of these made any difference. So I'm sure that I can eliminate a bad/unbalanced wheel.

It's probably worth noting that a month or so after acquiring the vehicle, the top engine mount went on me and I had to be towed a mile back home with the engine sitting lower and the o/s drive shaft flapping around. Fortunately, as it was still under warranty, the dealer collected and repaired the mount. He assured me that there was no other damage done (especially to the drive shafts) as a result of the failure. I'm not so sure there wasn't!

Anyway, follwing it's repair, there didn't appear to be any unusual noises vibrations that didn't pre-exist the engine losing a mount.

Additionally, the other day I went over a humped back bridge quite quick and the niose momentarily became considerably worse, which I assume was as a result of the suspension extending as I came off the high point of the bridge.

Anyone have any suggestions as to where the vibration may be coming from?

Could it be a driveshaft or CV joint?

Any help and advice greatly appreciated!


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The fact that it is affected by steering angle/driveshaft angle and the amount of torque applied does suggest that it's a CV joint.
Thanks for the quick reply.

Can the CV joint be replaced or am I looking at a complete new driveshaft?


Hi Chaser and thanks for all of your help.

Is there any way to tell which joint may be at fault (inner/outer) without stripping them out?

Thanks again,

Personally i'd check the outer joint on the side the noise comes from, see if you can detect a bit more play it. In the end though you just have to make a decision to change it if it seems the most likely source of the problem.
There's no guarantee, it's just process of elimination sometimes I'm afraid, unless you have the time to strip them all out remove the boot and old grease then you could visually examine the condition of the ball bearings that make up the joint. Then regrease and fit new boots to the ones you are going to reuse.
hi, ive also got a what feels like a wobble fron front n/ started a month after having a clutch fitted, it is noticable on acceleration only, it went back to the garage and has the engine stabiliser bushes replaced, front rear diff mount, viscous coupling replaced as i was told these were all the problem, alot of money later and i still got the wobble, so went and got tyres checked first and all o.k. could it be the drive shaft???? . any feedback would be great. thanks brian.

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