stuart marshall

New Member
hi everyone
just been to look at a s reg 2.5 diesel, the car looked graet but im concerned that whwn i started her up she did produce a lot of black smoke an i had to push the aclerator down all the way to get her to start the second time. Any thoughts please

New set of glow plugs would help there!
White smoke would be an all together different matter. . .

Blue skies
stuart marshall said:
hi everyone
just been to look at a s reg 2.5 diesel, the car looked graet but im concerned that whwn i started her up she did produce a lot of black smoke an i had to push the aclerator down all the way to get her to start the second time. Any thoughts please


sounds like the common hot start fault.
there could be loads of reasons for this so be prepared to get your wallet out.

Stay away from it and buy one that has no issues;)

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