
I have recently bought a 90 and I know all landys can leak a bit, this thing is leaking like the titanic!
Its coming in above the drivers doors, looks like through the roof somehow, its then running into the head lining and in heavy rain comes in like a slightly open tap, depending on the angle the vehicle is at seems to control where the drip point is. It looks like the previous owner tried to stop it by A) putting silicon sealant all over the place. and B) bizarrely filling the rain gutters with window putty! It really is leaking badly any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I have the same problem, I fiber glassed the inside of the head lining and made sure the water runs out the holes in the floor. hay presto water gets in still but nothing is getting recked!
Clear out the gutters. The water can't run towards the front of the vehicle and down the screen so it runs over the top of the gutter and back down behind the door seal. It took me ages to suss out where mine was coming from but as soon as I cleaned the gutters, mine had some nasty mastic stuff in them, it stopped. For good measure I refitted the door seals and used some clear silicone in the slot that clips over the ally edge strip. Sorted. New door seals are not that expensive but as mine are not leaking now I'll leave them alone.
Thanks for the info, I know they leak a bit but this is a lot put it this way it filled a 2 litre bottle in less than 15 minutes!:eek:
2 litres in 15 mins would appear to confirm Shiftys diagnosis...its not running off the front of the gutter...think of your roof gutters at home, if they meet a blockage the water just spills off the side, in this case into the gap at the top of your door...get rid of all the putty and see how you get on, its free!!
I have the same problem. It just ****es in the top corner looks like it is coming through the roof lining rather than door seal.

I have completley sealed the sun roof with gutter sealant and it's still doing it. The door seals look good (you know compartively) and I can't see any gunk in the gutters - any other advice?
It's the door seal where it is attached to the vehicle itself, not where it is pressed against teh door when it is shut.
You need to take off the door seal, full the channet in the seal that attaches to the door frame with sealant then stick it all back on. The water flows over the gutter, down the vehicle door frame, down into the door seal, up into the roof frame above the headlining and then flows from the headlining.
It's the door seal where it is attached to the vehicle itself, not where it is pressed against teh door when it is shut.
You need to take off the door seal, full the channet in the seal that attaches to the door frame with sealant then stick it all back on. The water flows over the gutter, down the vehicle door frame, down into the door seal, up into the roof frame above the headlining and then flows from the headlining.
Spot on. I used fish tank silicone because I had some but any type of waterproofing sealant will do.

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