
New Member
Does anyone know if I can do any maintenance on my vcu? If there are problems with it seizing up and having a knock-on effect to the ird and rear diff, maybe there could be a way to keep it clean and maintain it in good nick??anyone??:cool:
Ok !

Put simply for yerNO!

Its a sealed unit , the only way to stop it shaggin out else up, If its seized, Is to do wot MHM says and remove the rear prop,
Then yer in 2wd like cashy says !

Now pick yer toys up off the floor and put em back in yer pram.

Then you might like to peruse thro the many dozens of previous posts on the same subject!;)
What`s that supposed to mean??

it means get yer stupoid arse under the car with a selection of spanners, undo the bolts that hold the rear prop in place and remove it, or you could just sit there and watch the eastenders omnibus cos i reckon yer intelligence is probably stretched to its limits doing just that

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