
New Member
HI Guys

A lot has been written possibly about checking the VCU to determine if it needs to be replaced or not.

MY wife's FL have done about 85k miles now and being the second owner, the VCU has not been replaced. So far I have not picked up on any noises or something that might make me suspect the VCU is on its way out.

Apart from taking it to a garage to be checked out, are their any moves I can do at home to confirm if the VCU is still in good nick. Not really wanting to climb underneath the car to disconnect a bunch of stuff and check the VCU if there is possibly a simpler way to check by performing a couple of movements with the car and to listen of feel for signs of a VCU saying cheers.
really you should search for this but.....

shove it in reverse, hard over to the lockstops and try and reverse, if its feels like the brakes are stuck on it could be the vcu is duff.

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