
Active Member
Hi All
I have purchased a Van Aaken power box for my P38 BMW diesel engine. As it is second hand I do not have any fitting instructions. It has 2 big round plugs and 2 small square plugs. Does anyone else have one of these fitted and if so could you tell me where the plugs go to or better send a picyure.

Thanks Craig
Hi, there's a harness coming from the fuel pump on your engine, this has a round plug on the end that plugs into another plug (socket)on the side of the block under the intake manifold. The box plugs between these two plug and sockets. The square plugs may plug into the sensor ontop of the fuel filter...but best have a look around to see where they may go.
Well Thanks Disc300Series, job done and what a car I have now :) Was not sure about others saying that it would be on a par to the 4.6 but they could be right. I have a 4.6 as well as the diesel and will let you all know I get on with this new mod

Thanks Craig
Watch what you say Craig, you may upset the petrolheads again !! Fitted a powerbox to my DHSE and it flies.;)

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