
New Member
Hi everyone, I'm reconditioning the head from my 1983 Series 3 Military Lightweight 2.25 petrol due to horrific valve-guide wear, (though it has the single collet-groove valves stems, so head may be earlier). The original double-spring setup has been well superseded, and I have been offered the stronger, single spring as a replacement.
Now, the smaller spring of the old double setup sits snugly over the protruding top of the valve-guide, holding it and the outer spring nicely central. The new single spring sits in a machined round recess in the head, but the recess is way bigger than the spring, and seems to offer no help to centre it, (i.e it is a VERY sloppy fit!).
So, my question is, can I just fit these new springs, and assume they will stay self-centred in use? My tame landy professional mechanic/enthusiast who is doing the work think it looks a bit "naff", and he happens not to have come across this particular situation before.
Any help greatly appreciated.

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