Roger 47

A question for our more experienced owners.

I have no problems, to my knowledge, with either component on my P38. Is there any merit in being proactive and renewing seals and such like as a preventive measure or is it a case of letting sleeping dogs lye.
If your car has done over 100,000 of mixed work, alot of the air sus stuff will be on its way out.looking back over the years of caring for Classics and then P38's saw plenty of failed cars towed in. Perished air bags,failed height sensors and worn out compressors in the main.
If I was daft enough to buy a P38 and use it as a daily driver I'd do the lot - unless it was obvious they were fresh or had recipits etc.It all wears out,all makes for a bumpy ride on the stops.Planned long term maintenance is something most customers dont want to think about.(Pay for) But, if you want reliability,and you KNOW all these bits wear out/fail - then you can decide for yourself.
The airsprings have a life of 80K miles 7/8 years and are the most common cause of compressor failure. The valve block is easy to do and IMO worth doing. The diaphragm was on it's way out when I took mine to bits and there was also white powder from the air dryer breaking up. Cleaned up and fitted with new "O" rings and diaphragm it now stays up all week (the P38 that is), I also replaced the dryer. Did the air springs when I first got it and the compressor was renewed by the previous owner. Got my bits from Symlise on Ebay.
i was always under the impression that planned maintenance was better than enforced maintenance , ie when its broke
I'm daft enough but seeing as a total refurb is less than £400 I'd say it's worth it as my front van struts are £160 front only I think the p38 is cheap!

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