New Member

I just bought a 2001 TD5 disco. The keyfobs have 2 buttons, one has a lock symbol, and its function is obvious. The second button has a landrover logo on it, and whilst I can hear clicking inside the lock when its operated, I can't work out what it actually does. The owners manual only describes the first, lock symbol button.

Does anyone know what the function of this "landrover" button is?

Many thanks
have you removed the 'safe' pins from underneath the passenger seat and ensured you're not in a garage or enclosed space? (p.007 supplimentary optional equipment manual)
It unlocks the doors (obvious really). Normally it's set up so the first press just opens the dricer's door - you have to press it again to open the others. The clicking you hear from the non-driver's doors on the first press is "superlocking" turning itself off.
It unlocks the doors (obvious really). Normally it's set up so the first press just opens the dricer's door - you have to press it again to open the others. The clicking you hear from the non-driver's doors on the first press is "superlocking" turning itself off.

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah I was having a blonde moment, and got thrown by this superlocking feature, as you say I was trying a non drivers door. It had been a long one, yesterday ....

GRATCH, Ejector seat could be handy, depending where I end up with the car .. . :-D :-D

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