
New Member
is leaking, looks a bugger of a job :mad: also having trouble finding a replacement (3.9 V8)
Would it be legal to cut out damage and sleeve with fuel grade rubber hose.
yes , run flexi fuel grade hose from tank unit to behind rear wheel if rest is okay or to fuel reg if you dont want to join it ,you can get proper push on joiners that will push over hard fuel pipe with tube for fitting flexi with hose clip ,pressure only 35-37 psi,i just pushed flexi over hard 50 mm the hose clipped
yes , run flexi fuel grade hose from tank unit to behind rear wheel if rest is okay or to fuel reg if you dont want to join it ,you can get proper push on joiners that will push over hard fuel pipe with tube for fitting flexi with hose clip ,pressure only 35-37 psi,i just pushed flexi over hard 50 mm the hose clipped

Cheers, can't get under there myself atm but been told its the one from pump to filter.
Any idea where to get the push-on joiners, getting no luck on google
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