
New Member
Now there's a thing. Thought I'd better have a shufty at me points since I hadn't had the top off me dizzy since getting me III.

Unnerneath is a rotor arm (obviously!), but other then that theres just a black plastic 'doughnut' with 'all components in this distributor are factory set and need no adjustment while in use' or something very similar written on it.

That's electronic ignition right? Ain't seen one before & expected it to have points & condenser in there! :confused:
sure sounds like it

they got noo fangled ones that you dint even need to set the do it all by itself
Yeah, I've heard of 'em, but not never seen one. Still, sounds like anuvver bonus bit on me motor dunt it!
aye till it goes wrong;; me jag has that stuff wur you just chuck the dizzy in somewheres near the reet place and the lectronics do it all fer you
Thas why I always stuck t'points in me Shov'. If they did go wrong you could fix 'em. Easy enuff to carry spare points & condenser in me tool roll. Still, prob' less affected by water & that, so a bonus in me truck.

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