
Active Member

Got recon gearbox on bench, and V8 is coming back on Friday after final balancing - so question is mate ingine and box on bench? or install gbox and fit ingine to in in car. There is no bulkhead fitted and front pannel with wings are removed.

I'm struggling to visulize which is easier....

Any tips would be appreachiated. I've done clutch with old 2.25 in place and moved gbox to engine, and it was a pain in the c0ckend....


OH BTW I've got some pretty good piccies of modified bulkhead and custom built trannie tunnel if its any use to anyone...
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As long as you got something strong to lift it all in 1 then do it that way
Be a good idea to have a balance bar on the hoist to make tweaking in place easier
leaverage will be the only way if you have no equipment or use the winch and a plank of wood breased to slider her up and in if you have one, i can lift my v8 on her own (just) so or a tow rope around a heafty brance and onto engine to hoist her in drive a car forward to lift and to lower into place,
it mite be worth mating them first anyway just to make sure they do rather than if you decide to say put the g/box in first then struggle mating them in the chassis.

had this problem when i came to fit my 200 tdi in the landy for the first time and tried to mate the engine to the g/box and found out the new clutch would only go on the spiggot shaft in one place and had to re use my old clutch as i wanted to get the engine in that day.

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