
Active Member
Picked up the 90.
It's in a sorry state
Just started stripping off all burnt panels.
And can see im going to need complete front end.

And will have to try and find a externally ribbed roof with alpine lights
Can't see the pictures I'm afraid. Sounds like a fascinating project though.
I tend to find Photobucket the most compatible picture hosting site with Landyzone. Copy the IMG code that photobucket gives you with each picture you put up there and paste it into your posting on Landyzone and the picture will appear as if by magic. Photobucket is crap really, and my 'real' pictures are on Flickr, but it seems to work best with this place.
Ah, that's better, can see them now. You've got yourself quite a project. Must have been dramatic when that went up. I hope nobody was in it.
The carburettors are still there! They often seem to melt in engine bay fires.
I don't know details.
Most of it is junk, melted!
Got heads off motor now and it's not long had a rebuild. But I'm not sure of damage done by water/heat?
Bulkhead is scrap, wiring gone, dash melted
A great project! The comparison between the before and after pictures will be epic :D
You certainly love what Ebay sellers call 'brave restoration' cases. Makes me tired just looking at them.

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