hey all
Can anyone please please help?
I'm up the creek here I need a new oil cooler pipe on my D2, Land Rover say it is discontinued!?!?!
I can't find a patten one anywhere any ideas?
If you know anyone breaking one please let me know.
Previous posts on this subject suggest removing the faulty pipe completely and taking it to a local hydraulic pipe supplier and asking them to make u one, and expect to pay a lot less than the genuine part if it was available.
Previous posts on this subject suggest removing the faulty pipe completely and taking it to a local hydraulic pipe supplier and asking them to make u one, and expect to pay a lot less than the genuine part if it was available.
Yep,i have said that a good few times to people on here,perhaps it should be made a sticky??.
You will often find that your local tractor/agricultural dealer/workshop can make them up too, anything like my local guys and they quite enjoy doing something a bit different;)

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