
New Member
Hi all
I have got a 2.5 lt v6 52 plate auto and am trying to replace the spark plugs which I have got, have taken the top cover off and hey where's the spark plugs at??
Can anyone of you experts tell me how to replace them or is it a garage job
Many thanks
The spark plugs are under the injectors. Do you have access to RAVE? (The factory manual)

Different car same engine, nice pictures:

KV6 spark plug removal: early steps - The 75 and ZT Owners Club Forums

How to change those 'back 3' spark plugs on the KV6 - The 75 and ZT Owners Club Forums

Better picture on the old style:

MG-Rover.org Forums - View Single Post - Changing Spark Plugs

You will need to remove the plastic manifold chamber for the back 3:

Inlet Manifold Replacement Done! - MG-Rover.org Forums

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