
New Member
Does anyone use a Mid Rise Scissor Lift like this with a defender?
I want a lift in my garage but can't fit a 2 or 4 post. I was going to put a pit in but the horror stories sort of put me off. One of these mid rise scissor lifts seems like a good option but I can't figure what it would lift under as I think the defender chassis rails will end up in between the ramps.

Any advice, thought or opinions?
They can fill with fumes or vapour. I thought a scissor lift might be a good option.
They can, but it is pretty rare. Don't run the vehicle for too long over the pit, and don't pour petrol tins, or change Calor cylinders near the pit, and you will be fine.
You can get spark free sump pumps to install in pits too, and they are handy for removing any groundwater that runs in.
I don't have a lift or pit myself, but have worked with both and the main annoyance with the pit is having to climb out each time you find you do not have the tool you want. One can of course help yourself with some forethought or have a fetcher mite.
I do have a tractor and loader though and have been known to lift Landy on to its side resting on a couple of small bales.
There is a foot path through the yard and it is fun seeing the walkers faces when they see the tipped over Land rover, even had one run up to the house to report a terrible accident.:eek: You got have some fun out in the sticks.:D Now the model dinosaur in the bush by the style or the old missile stood on the yard ----------------
I have a pit and never smelt any fumes when uncovering to work in it. But I don't have the head height to have a lift so it was the next best option.

The farm i live on used to have a pit and a ramp.

We have filled the pit in, always damp in the bottom and dark, useful for certain jobs bloody awful for others.

And climbing in and out all the while is a proper pain.

Ramp is lovely and can get a variety of height dependant on what jobs your doing.

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