true, you can just do a pm and i can just get told off, but it does look a bit open to abuse :>

esp as it's to all 10k posts
Hahaha, sorry it amuses me.

it works great now, look at your post above to the right
OK so how are you doing that? I'm just using the basic forum user profile fields, seems like a problem with xenforo itself.
OK so how are you doing that? I'm just using the basic forum user profile fields, seems like a problem with xenforo itself.

just hitting enter on 'current landrover' and sticking the message in.

for now i'd do something like

.messageUserBlock .pairsJustified.userField_current_landrover_s {
max-height: 60px;

which will let you sort it out properly later, and give people a few lines. not sure it'll work with responsive, maybe change to a scaled unit.

or change the field from textarea to a text input and filter a bit on the backend if you need to

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