Hi guys,

We really need some urgent help with our 2.5 petrol 90 engine!!!
We got her for a good price and in fairly good condition, she had some issues but we got those sorted. Well mostly.

The problem we have is that the engine never seems to be running right. We've replaced the fuel system, most of the ignition system and refitted a Weber carb to her to replace the old knackard SU that was fitted.

Our local LR guy always seems to look down his nose at me, and the one time he did do some work on her they didn't do a very good job, plus he seems to prefer to work on diesels and newer models. I don't want to take it to the local main dealer as they'll charge a fortune. Plus i doubt they'll be able to fix it.:confused:

What i'm hoping for is that there is someone in or around the Derby area that knows about petrol engines and would be willing to come and have a quick once over of her and hopefully point us in the right direction.
We're willing to repay any help given with either beer, money or anything else needed.:D

We really do need some help here as we are almost coming to end of our tether, so much so that if we can't get the engine sorted soon we're thinking of cutting our losses and getting shot of her before we sink any more money into her without seeing any results. :(

We've had a 2.25 petrol 109, and a 3.5 V8 110 before and we love having LandRovers, and want to keep this one but that might change soon.

The lr guy who looks down his nose at you, fk him off..if he doesnt want your business, fine, go elsewhere..sounds like hes **** anyway..

Right, as wilts says, wots the symptoms....
Symptoms started with her keep acting like she was running on empty, after about 30 miles and she got warm. After most of the ignition being replaced, along with all the fuel pipes and pump. We tied the initial problem down to the fact that we had replaced the old coil with a knackerd one:doh: (we didn't know it at the time though), that in turn fried the points (which we didn't notice to start with).
We got that all sorted and the new Weber carb tuned properly and she seemed to be running fine for the first time since we had her.

After we got the clutch fixed, which gave no warning that it was on the way out :mad2:, i noticed that she seemed to be running a bit fast but thought nothing much of it.

Then she started to run a little slow on tic over and the oil light kept coming on when standing still.

Now she's coughing and spluttering on any journey she does, from short trips where she bearly getting warm and off choke. To 8 mile runs to work, where she can get fully off choke and gets to normal temp.
She'll play up, act like she's empty, start to stall at junctions, pause and stutter on accelaration but then kick in only to stutter again.

This is why i put on the original post, that we could do with someone local coming out to help us, as it'd be easier to see the problems first hand.

But, saying that, any ideas would be really helpful. :D

Sounds like you may have a spec of dirt in one of the carb jets.
Webers are **** easy to take apart. Take out each jet one at a time and blow them through with compressed air. Dont overtighten them when you put them back in.
Other than that it may be vapour locking if your fuel lines run anywhere near your exhaust manifold or other hot bits.
worn distributor ! ( how much free play is in the rotor shaft ? as the timming could be thrown all over the place .... ) . intermitant power fault to the coil ? , air leak on inlet manifold , carboned up cylinder head to name a few
i had similar problems with my 2.5 petrol a while back (spluttery when warm, stop start power etc) i went mad checking everything from filters to carb, turns out when id replaced the fuel tank a week earlier i accidentally bent the rod holding the lift pump so it was only submerged 50% into the tank! felt quite silly when i realised:rolleyes: this prob isnt much help but just think if any other work you were doin on d landy recently might have had a side affect like mine did!

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