
Well-Known Member
Canna find the blumming things anywhere. Might have dropped them on the way to the pub last night, or the way back. I've retraced my steps and turned the cottage, garage, workshop and shed upsidedown and no sign.

No problem getting in as the doors don't lock but any ideas how to get it started? I've got a delivery arriving very first thing tomorrow and it'll be a pain in the arse if I can't get past it.

Probably best to PM me any ideas, not one for general consumption I guess...
Canna find the blumming things anywhere. Might have dropped them on the way to the pub last night, or the way back. I've retraced my steps and turned the cottage, garage, workshop and shed upsidedown and no sign.

No problem getting in as the doors don't lock but any ideas how to get it started? I've got a delivery arriving very first thing tomorrow and it'll be a pain in the arse if I can't get past it.

Probably best to PM me any ideas, not one for general consumption I guess...

do you need to be able to steer it too or just move it back and fourth as the steering is?
Just had a look and I will need to steer, bugger. Will the stealers make a set from the reg number?

Possibly...If they have a record (due to its age) and assuming the lock has never been changed.

I can tell you how to remove the lock without damaging it if ya like but is is bloody awkward on a defender. Alternatively you could cut the lock off and stick a new one on. They are only about £30.
Possibly...If they have a record (due to its age) and assuming the lock has never been changed.

I can tell you how to remove the lock without damaging it if ya like but is is bloody awkward on a defender. Alternatively you could cut the lock off and stick a new one on. They are only about £30.

Please, I can do it before the delivery then.

By the way, how's it going? I did a chippy run wiv ya a couple of years ago, I had that Burgundy Disco...
Please, I can do it before the delivery then.

By the way, how's it going? I did a chippy run wiv ya a couple of years ago, I had that Burgundy Disco...

I'm doing good thanks. How about yourself?

I remember both you and the disco Dom. It marked it's territory at the top of a steep hill.;)

If memory serves me right you were with a lady friend.

Would you like to know the chopping option or the non damaging PITA option. I'll pm you with destructions.


  • Chippierun31-01-09141.jpg
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Doing good too thanks, I'm down in Studland now developing a big garden which is fun!

Quickest and easiest option, the dash and everything's pretty fecked already. You seen the piccies of 'im?
Doing good too thanks, I'm down in Studland now developing a big garden which is fun!

Quickest and easiest option, the dash and everything's pretty fecked already. You seen the piccies of 'im?

I've seen pics of the outside but not the inside.

Giive me 5 mins to eat my tea and then I'll pm you.:eek:;):D
Blimey, in comparison,my interior now looks like a Rolls. Why dont you just leave your keys in the ignition? Would some one really nick it?:D:D
That's the whole point! I've decided to go for the rustic look to deter the thieving gits that are aboot. Although I'm thinking it'll be a bit trick...

Thanks for the info Ratty. We got it off this morning in time for the first of a few big deliveries. Then, at the end of the day, I was on the phone to a friend leaning on Scratchy's tailgate and guess what I saw wedged up in the corner...?

Luckily we'd decided on drilling out the bolts so I can get it re-assembled tomorrow. And then go and get a few spare keys cut.
That's the whole point! I've decided to go for the rustic look to deter the thieving gits that are aboot. Although I'm thinking it'll be a bit trick...

Thanks for the info Ratty. We got it off this morning in time for the first of a few big deliveries. Then, at the end of the day, I was on the phone to a friend leaning on Scratchy's tailgate and guess what I saw wedged up in the corner...?

Luckily we'd decided on drilling out the bolts so I can get it re-assembled tomorrow. And then go and get a few spare keys cut.

Glad you got it sorted.:)
When I lost my keys my wife told me I didn't look hard enough so I shaved my head and got a tattoo but I still could'nt find the feckers!

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