
Active Member
Hi, I have been trying to upload some new pics on my gallery, but after you select the ones you want and try to upload them, the page just turns white! It shows I have 50 odd pictures to load but won't work anymore?
I had the same issue, but I found it worked if I used photos up loaded on to the cloud. I think it is something to do with the size of the photos. Try down grading the size of the photos. :)
This is a vBulletin issue. We have the same issue on a photography forum i'm a member of. Pretty sure to use the gallery you need to have images at 600px max on the longest side and around 100kb in file size. :)
i cant upload them on here,other sites easy, just browse upload photo and done, no idea how to do it on here
i cant upload them on here,other sites easy, just browse upload photo and done, no idea how to do it on here

New here so don't know how much various members know regarding uploading pics.
If you start your own thread, the option is there. Replying to threads you need to click on - advanced. With both options you need to click on the paper clip - top row - right of the smilie face. You can then browse to your pic as normal :)

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