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Dear All Viewers:

For those of you who love landys and/or love rugby: get stuck into this!!

A teacher of mine has had a dream for a long time of taking rugby to Africa and giving their communities a chance and an oppertunity which so many of these young kids out there seek for. As of recently, that dream is set to become real. The charitable project is based primarily on a rugby-coaching expedition, 15,000 miles from Cheltenham (England) to Cape Town in Africa, due to set off next January. The project is called Bhubesi Pride, "Bhubesi" meaning lion in Zulu, and you all reading this have a chance to be part of the 'pride' ;) Richard Bennett, the project co ordinator is currently recruiting for 5 enthusiastic, driven and motivated individuals with a passion for landys and rugby. Yes, you know it - there is no other vehicle more suitable for the expedition around 10 different African countries, dropping off kit and expertise on the way for this 5 month mission, than a landy. Baring that in mind, 2 fully expedition prepared Defender 110's with 300 tdi engines are currently on the way!

The aim of the expedition is as follows:

-To coach rugby to underpriveleged children in schools from Ethiopa to South Africa, leaving much needed rugby gear at each venue.
-To empower the local coaches with key knowledge and resources to continue uniting the youngsters through sport
-To link British schools with African schools

If you want to know more, want to be a part, or even just want to make a donation, EVERYTHING helps and it would be much appreciated!

The website with more information including how to apply for a position is:
Bhubesi Pride — TransAfrique 2011

From there it is also possible to click onto links to follow Bhubesi Pride via Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks to all landy lovers who help this project in any way possible...

One life: Live it.
Can think oif more important things to take, than Rugby balls FFS!! Another middleclass christian, "let's westernise the savages" project.
Sure things like food and medical supplies are more important-Oh and we are funding ****holes through the department of international development and a Iraq /Afghanistan.

Project Cock Sucker by the sound of it.
Teach them about prophylactic and birth control-****ing bleeding hearts mob
Can think oif more important things to take, than Rugby balls FFS!! Another middleclass christian, "let's westernise the savages" project.

Another mindless comment

Good luck with the expedition nice to see someone trying to help rugby grow.
This has all the classics of "lets get some other ****er to fund our holiday"
If you were providing eye care or medical supplies it would be worthwhile-and for fun rugby.

Bit like a rape councillor expedition-****ing waste of time as they have high rape rates in Africa and it will take decades to change.
Rape in some area's of africa is seen as proving manhood-while appalling thats what happens.
Another mindless comment

Good luck with the expedition nice to see someone trying to help rugby grow.

FFS Be realistic how much time do you think these kids have to play sport? They spend their entire waking life looking for or trying to produce enough food to keep themselves and their families alive.

Why do we have this strange view of the world? Where we assume that our values and way of life is the best there is, and that we should spread it to the rest of the world. Regardless of how unsuitable those values and ideologies are. If we'd left the poor fookers alone 400 years ago. they wouldn't be in the state they are now.

Countless unsupported and unassisted food drops combined with flooding the market with our cheap produce has destroyed the local economies, and bankrupted entire communities.

The best thing Africa could do for itself would be to introduce a import surcharge on all non african investment, and trade. Including mining and oil exploration.
atomic bomb would provide value for money long term-excluding survivors and fallout
for those of you who are making comments which arent in support...this is an effort to encourage these children to prosper... we are talking here about school children who do get fed at meal times, but have no chance of a proper go at sports without some effort put in. if you dont agree, thats your call but can i please ask for that to be kept off this thread, and language to be kept clean, thanks
for those of you who are making comments which arent in support...this is an effort to encourage these children to prosper... we are talking here about school children who do get fed at meal times, but have no chance of a proper go at sports without some effort put in. if you dont agree, thats your call but can i please ask for that to be kept off this thread, and language to be kept clean, thanks


This is Landyzone!
Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't rugby already found it's way to Africa. Sure I read summat about em being world champs at some point!
Seriously though you can't expect anyone to take such a pompous project seriously while there are kids in this country that fit the exact criteria of those in bloody africa that you're proposing to "help".
shirly if you encourage people to run around chasing each other they'll get tired and HUNGRY

seeing as there's not enough food to go around over there anyways is there a subtle sub plot to this "charity" holiday based on the eventual survival of the fittest at the expense (death) of the vast (hungry) populous ?

hasn't this creation of a super race been tried somewhere before ?
Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't rugby already found it's way to Africa. Sure I read summat about em being world champs at some point!
Seriously though you can't expect anyone to take such a pompous project seriously while there are kids in this country that fit the exact criteria of those in bloody africa that you're proposing to "help".
Very true 1995 Rugby World Cup - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

for those of you who are making comments which arent in support...this is an effort to encourage these children to prosper... we are talking here about school children who do get fed at meal times, but have no chance of a proper go at sports without some effort put in. if you dont agree, thats your call but can i please ask for that to be kept off this thread, and language to be kept clean, thanks
**** you c-unt bollocks. Dont tw@tting tell us how to ****ting post on our forum, ****er. Minge, tit, bitch, arse, bastard, slut,....
for those of you who are making comments which arent in support...this is an effort to encourage these children to prosper... we are talking here about school children who do get fed at meal times, but have no chance of a proper go at sports without some effort put in. if you dont agree, thats your call but can i please ask for that to be kept off this thread, and language to be kept clean, thanks

Your in the wrong place, As I said when your taking an arctic load of Aid I'm sure you will be welcomed. But in terms of what your taking in two Land Rovers-your taking the ****.
I know someone who exports containers of cycles and that I can see a point to, But with the amount your able to take-ffs it's a sponsored ****ing holiday.

Revise your plans or **** off:banplease:
A moment taken in the 'anything goes' area might have given you an indication of the culltural environment of this particular forum. That moment might loosely be termed, 'research'.

As an 'apparant' fund raiser and recruiter for this project, you seem to have done remarkably little of that! So Im surprised that you appear 'surprised' by responses you've had to your 'spam' post. Thats the first point.

I wouldn't have appealed to either Land Rover lovers or lovers of rugby to help with this kind of project. A love of either isn't sufficient evidence for you to suppose that support would be forthcoming. Surely you need to appeal to folk who show evidence of being of a charitable and socially caring nature, not simply any old land Rover owner! Thats the second point. (There are caring people in here, but you didnt pitch to them using that)

My third and final point comes from my own involvement in charitable work in African countries (which I have to say, wasn't a good or worthwhile experience and, yes, I have been there). I sincerely hope you people know what youre doing and have some experience of Africa and charitable work there. If you haven't, you're in for the biggest mind **** of your lives and youre gonna be subject to a five month guilt trip.

The damage your going to do by raising the expectations of these poor kids beyond what can ever be realised in thier own country (and lets face facts, thier own country is the only place they have for these 'opportunities' because they won't be accepted anywhere else, rugby star or not) will be unbelieveable.

We can only conclude, as many have done, that this is some middle class, 'lets do something for the poor people', christian, too much time on your hands, feel good jolly. One which you seem to want others to help pay for.

Only three things are required in most African countries, Education, Sanitation and Medication and you're offering none. If you really want to contribute something useful to that continent, pick something worthwhile, not a five month rugby game out of the back of a Landrover. Then pay for it yourselves.


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