
New Member
hi, can anyone recommend somewhere in the North West / Lancashire who does a good job of undersealing a defender 90, I have had a few quotes from garages local to me who do it, but I want a proper job doing and want it done by someone who knows what they are doing, re getting all the crap etc off before it gets covered.
Wowzers.....I would search the forums to be honest.. Its NEVER pretty when someone suggests some folk and it ends in an argument...If you search before n after you will get the idea and also other folk who have tried others and their view... Long and short I don't know any who everyone has been happy with. How old is the 90 ? You really would be best doing it yourself.
Thanks for that, mines a 2011 90 hardtop, just want to look after it as it might appreciate in value in time.
I had mine treated with Dinitrol and watched the process. It took about 6 hours and cost about £500. See their website, highly recommended.
IMHO, this job is so important that unless you DIY, you're wasting your time*. And, never use "underseal" - it's worse than useless, holds water, and will rot your pride and joy before your eyes.

There's one member on here who has a tame independent who does as he is told, which IME, is something of a miracle.

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