
BBQ king
1 should early 90/110 ujs fit late series?
2 i were just greasing me nips and found me front prop rear uj has slop (quite alot of slop) dya recon i should pay over the odds to get one and fit it before the weekend and trip to runhall or risk popping it and wait for a cheap one from paddocks/craddocks?
1 - yes
2 - even with next day postage a goodun isnt going to cost much more than £15 and thats a lot cheaper than dropping a prop at speed
1 should early 90/110 ujs fit late series?
2 i were just greasing me nips and found me front prop rear uj has slop (quite alot of slop) dya recon i should pay over the odds to get one and fit it before the weekend and trip to runhall or risk popping it and wait for a cheap one from paddocks/craddocks?

I got Hardy Nice un Spicy ones from Paddocks. They done the job. Ony cost me £8. DON'T get ****part ones.. They break easy when you try to fit em!! I'd say splash out a few quid and get it sortid.
1 woohoo i stand a chance of having one at work (motorfactor who deal in modern cars) 2 you have a point, i leave for norfolk on friday so i need them done by 5 on friday night unless i run propless on the way up and sort it when i get there
1 woohoo i stand a chance of having one at work (motorfactor who deal in modern cars) 2 you have a point, i leave for norfolk on friday so i need them done by 5 on friday night unless i run propless on the way up and sort it when i get there

Took me bout 15 minits to fit my UJ. And I'm blonde. And a gurl. So it shud take you less than half that time..!
so i shud aim for 7m:30s and no chinholes

Yes! Spanner in face hurts! Speshly when it punches yer toof thru yer bottom lip.:mad:

And yer mite as well get yersell some noo prop nuts if yer gonna round yer old uns off removin em..
as i will prob fook the old ones tekin thum off i fink i will, yer gotta watch for them evil spanarz
Now WD40 and Lithium grease I got some time for, sure... but EP90 over 3 in 1... not a fookin' chance! Yerl be preferin' petrol over diseasel next ffs!

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