
I know this has been discused before but I remain confused!

I have an 06 110 SW with boost alloys and general grabber 235/85/R16 tyres. Everything is standard .

According to the owner manual the recommended tyre pressures refers to "freestyle choice " on the 110 SW. Isn't that the older style alloy? and says f33r49 and a different pressure for "all other models". Does that refer
to other wheels or other 110 models?

i have now done 16,000 miles using 33/49 in all conditions irrespective of load (sometimes driver plus 8 passengers). mainly road use. tyre wear is minimal and even so all is probably well.

I know to reduce pressures when in mud?

so the question:

what pressures would you recommend for general road use and what for muddy fields where i do get wheel spin.

the owner manual is not much use

very many thand

I had the same query some time ago having fitted non-standard tyres - and found that even the tyre manufacturer was afraid to give reccomended pressures any more for fear of being sued if things go wrong! (they told me this themselves!) Thanks to the compensation culture for another one!

It sounds as if you've achieved the correct pressure for your road use - if your getting minimal wear and plenty of grip. As for off road, it really does seem to be a case of "see what works best" I'm afraid. As long as you've got the facility to blow them up again, then why not just go somewhere slippy to try under controlled circumstances, and let a bit out at a time and see what the pressure you can get at traction is? Thats all I did, and to get out of trouble, I have just let some out before without getting technical with a pressure gauge (until I was back on the hard of course) - though obviously this was in mud at low speed. My Landy is often driven with just me in or maybe half a ton of logs plus the family plus dog, and thats on the road, so if you think about it, pressures are only ever really a compromise, so I wouldn't worry too much about knowing the exact PSI for when your on mud. If it works it's right.
many thanks for the response

i'm glad it's not just me that is confused.

i'm ok with the current pressures on road based on traction and ttyre wear.

i do find the front wheels a bit hard when hitting significant speed bumps or pot holes at more than 15-20mph and i have felt the front loosing traction on loose surfaces at speed in country lanes.

i have tried a few psi lower at the front but the tyres do then look under inflated when parked (29psi front, 49 psi rear)

muddy fields when i thought i might get stuck i've gone down to 25 psi all round and not got stuck but the wheels have spun even with diff lock and low ratio. however with my general grabber tyres the treads get totally full of mud and there is really no traction. I have only been struck once in this situation in a work 110 set up the same, same tyres and in axle deep ruts. with the benefit of hindsight i would now have dropped tyre pressures down to about 12 psi and i bet i could have driven out, rather than doing what i did, calling for tractor assistance.

i am considering getting a second set of wheels and tyres, BFG muds or similar or wait until my general grabber tyres wear down then changing to bfg all-terrains and getting a decent compressor to enable quick re-inflation.

thanks again


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