
Well-Known Member
FFS :mad: Will be none left soon :(

Bomag said:
Byway 514 London Lane, Shere. Level 3, seasonal from 30 Sept till 1 May. Vehicles causing ruts and wallows.

Byway 511 Ponds Lane, Shere/Albury. Level 3, seasonal from 30 Sept till 1 May. Vehicles causing ruts.

Counil to repair when it has the money and hens teeth are found in vast amounts.

Surrey likes to imply its very pro-vehicle but history has shown it to be one of the most anti-vehicular councils in the country.

Both these TRO's are for 4 wheels only, NOT, I repeat, NOT motorcycles.

The council has a DUTY to maintain its Right of Ways, failure to do so can NOT be used as good reason to TRO them.

A recent TRO on Beggars Lane has shown the lies this council makes. It has repaired the byway, the reason given for the TRO was vehiclular damage NOT rain, yet the resufacing is being cut up by the little rain weve had, and the smooth surface has led to high speeds from the trail bikes. Those who have driven this byway in the past know how technical it was on the decent/climb. I did it in front wheel drive only, road tyres, whilst carrying out work on it!!!!

Please object by emailing

Closing date 3rd May 2011

I should add that these two make the number of TRO applications from Surrey in the last year five, yes FIVE.
Wish I'd done a search before heading to Beggar's Lane a second ago!

Fully closed, with a massive metal gate and padlock :D
Yup :( What end did you come from? If you are coming up from Abinger then you are **** outta luck and need to go down to shere. If you are coming down from Ranmore, you can go right, and down Sheepwalk Lane then go right at the road and through the car park down London Lane :)

No Signs at London Lane detailing any TRO yet as far as i know? The Signs say that if there is going to be a TRO then there will be notices online and on-site 6 weeks before any TRO is enforced...
Came in from Abinger side. Ended up going for a little cruise around soem farm, and picked up a random hitch hiker in the middle of some woods. Interesting trip. Suggest anywhere else around? Except Pond Lane :D
Done Ride Lane? When you get to the end of Pond Farm Lane (Tarmaced section) do a right, then when you get to the green go left and up past the drive way and keep going. Tis a very good lane :) Halfway along is Magdehole Lane (Go up the hill) if you fancy it but it is nothing special.

Never heard of Soem Farm? :confused: Where is that?
Went to look at London Lane :frusty:

Should have read thread before going, again :D

Did speak to a guy in the car park in Shere who stopped me, (blocked me in with his car!) and asked if I knew anything about the fence and gate being smashed.

Apparently someone had come down the lane found the gate blocking them so tore down the fence next to it and broke the recreational ground's gate to get out.

Nice work whoever that was!

Could hardly blame him for stopping me though, car has mud covering even roof from pay and play Aldermaston yest :D
Looking at it on a map, tried Ride Lane from the farm end, wasn't too sure it'd get any better as was getting worse and worse down there and I'm out on my own so reversed and turned around. Is it all pretty doable then?
Well it's pretty doable, did it in my lunch break. Only slightly nervous :D But managed it all ok.. few points nearly turned it over, high banks eh!

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