I have a Series 2A 1969 with a 2.25 petrol...next to the coil I have two ballast blocks...one says "K 19" and the other says "K 22"...which one should I use?
Thanks Guys
I think one is a 19 ohm, and t'other a 22 ohm, start with the 22 ohm and go from there, you can meter them both first to see if they are ok, ones probably a dud and left there during a previous repair.
Heres a crap drawing of what I would expect to find in a ballast ignition system.
if the coil is 12volt none ,if it 6volt the K19 drop voltage to 6.3 volt K22 drops voltage to around 5.4 volt .the haynes series 11,11A and 111 1958 1978 shows no ballast resistor fitted .