
New Member
Hi all, my puma 90 has started making a weird twanging noise when the front right wheel goes over a sharp bump - on the way down, rather than the way up. It transmits through the steering wheel and is quite loud!

It sounds like a snapped spring to me, but from forum searches most people find it to be the UJ, but wouldnt that make the noise on both sides? I've crawled underneath and cant see anything obviously broken!

how do I check the UJ and the spring out? I've got pretty limited weapons available, and even more limited skill........
grab the prop and try to push it pull it beat it as hard as you can, any movement in the ujs is not good, simples really. if shagged follow busters guides on the replacement.
Twanging noise suggests spring damage or not seating correctly. Remove wheel for a proper look.

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