
Active Member
hi landrover discovery1 1994 3.9v8. has anyone have any idea how i can test a tune resistor as after months looking for it i now found it. i have the white one fitted but dont know how to test it. would be good if someone knows how.thanks
The clue is in the name, its literally a resistor. You can check the resistance with any good multimeter by turning it to the correct ohms setting.

White 3900 Ohms - USA and European vehicles with catalytic converters
Green 470 Ohms - UK and European vehicles without catalytic converters
Yellow 910 Ohms - Saudi vehicles (without catalytic converters.)
Red 180 Ohms - Australia and "the rest of the world."
White 3900 Ohms - USA and European vehicles with catalytic converters
Green 470 Ohms - UK and European vehicles without catalytic converters
Yellow 910 Ohms - Saudi vehicles (without catalytic converters.)
Red 180 Ohms - Australia and "the rest of the world."[/QUOTE]

hi i have a decent multimeter but not sure which ohms setting to set it on. plus do i just disconnect the tune resistor and put prongs on the 2 connectors then should i have 3900ohms.and i take it anything lower its fooked.
With my multimeter it has a 200ohm, 2kohm, 20kohm, 2M ohm.. settings... etc

So if yours is similar then I'd put it on the 20k ohm setting. That way it measures up to 20,000 ohms and will be within your tune resistor.

I don't know the limits for the ECU are but even if its within say 10% or so that should be fine. So between 3.51kohms and 4.29kohms and you should be okay.

Unless you've put a silly high voltage over the resistor and burnt it out then it should be fine.

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