Hi all,

trying to gauge the appetite to take on a series 3 SWB project. I have spent considerable time and money collecting series 3 "bits" to take on a rebuild project. Due to work commitments I do not have the time to see it through and this wont change in the near future. I have the following:

There are basically 2 88” series 3s. One is a ‘72 tax exempt and totally stripped down into it’s individual parts. The other is a ’73 all intact. I also have a brand new galvanised chassis from Richards and a Fairey overdrive unit. I have a full set of new springs and shocks. My initial plan was to rebuild the ’73 on the galv chassis but then had my head turned by the TAX EXEMPT ’72. Both vehicles are currently on a SORN and cannot be driven as no MOT (and in bits!).

Any thoughts on price, best way forward to see everything go to a new home. As stated due to work I do not have the time to show people round looking at individual parts that they need, would like to shift as much as poss in one hit.

So if anyone is interested in a project then please do share your thoughts. I know this is not the "for sale" area hence why I am after your thoughts at this stage.

Thanks for looking
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Well you cant sell on here anyway so don't even bother trying to spam......

Fairey is worth £500 plus all day if its complete and working with the clutch
I'd remove the thing about offers then because that smells of spam ;)

Theres probably 2.5-3k worth there anyway as a job lot or more if split probably
Any thoughts on price, best way forward to see everything go to a new home. As stated due to work I do not have the time to show people round looking at individual parts that they need, would like to shift as much as poss in one hit.

set reserve at scrap price.
Unless you can find someone that you can talk through all the bits and explain what you are offering, its not really worth much more than scrap value on eBay.
Unless you can find someone that you can talk through all the bits and explain what you are offering, its not really worth much more than scrap value on eBay.

hmmmm I see your point, with a manual and a bit of imagination anyone can put together a series 3, thats the beauty of them:hysterically_laughi
Its an S3- wrap it and store it! The Galv. Chassis will keep, thats why they galvanise them. Their is probably a million web pages with different ideas on how to store parts, but mainly it comes down to- ideally and average temperature- no extremes of hot or cold (Just wrap up in foam wrap and these bits stored in the middle of everything else), Direct sunlight- this will deteriorate plastic and rubber not to mention vinyl seats etc. Should be okay in a garage. Engine parts- for things like Dissies there is a product that boat owners put on their engines during winter storage that keeps things from seizing and prevents water ingress etc. All other new parts will probably have an oily film left over fro manufacturing- these will be fine they are designed to be stored for many years in parts warehouses waiting for us gullible Landie owners to part with our cash! The way prices are going right now, it won't be long before S3's are in demand, look at S1's- decent examples going for £15k+! I used to have an S3 which I bought for £200 and sold it when the parts list went over a few grand, worst decision I have ever made they are such sweet cars to own
I think RE tax exemption that it rolls on every few years so a car that is registered 75 now will be tax exempt in a few years time. That is my understanding of it anyway, the even better part is you can get classic car insurance for it which is a bit cheaper... once you have built it that is!
A quick look online gave me this

From 1 April 2014 a vehicle manufactured before 1 January 1974 will be exempt from paying VED

Also mentioned was that you no longer have to declare SORN every year, does anyone know any more on this?

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