
Well-Known Member
My bastard piece of non running Dr Evil tainted **** has just cut out no reason no explanation just wont start :violent: :violent: :violent:

Need to get it home and as it's been off the road, No Tax so breakdown wont touch it :violent: :violent: :violent:
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My bastard piece of non running Dr Evil tainted **** has just cut out no reason no explanation just wont start :violent: :violent: :violent:

Need to get it home and as it's been off the road, No Tax so breakdown wont touch it :violent: :violent: :violent:

what you buy from Doc????????
I've just returned home and have 1 year old son to look after-if you want me to look in car then I can if son will sleep in car-where abouts
It's all back lads sorry I was hearing about you all :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Found most likely cause of the issue will be working on it in the morning missed shop now :p Fanatic you are a superstar... Worked fine when cold :D Another LZ triumph :D:D

Cheers Beasty but you let that little series have a night off :-D
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On a pocket scope the amplifier isn't switching by all accounts when hot, if I remember correctly the coil earth goes to ecu/tacho and cruise.

Therefore no switching = no go.
May be able to return tomorrow if I get time in the afternoon
Awesome I'll pop down and pick up new parts in morning and start fitting them then at least we can know and continue to look or sit back and enjoy the 2 magners pears I have in the fridge :D
Pm me a mobile, I have a part to collect from friend at 2pm and partner wants to go round town- maybe 4ish if I dump them at Cadbury to look at animals

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