
i have a 1997 ford ranger , 4 cyl, stick with a/c. 58k milages. started
stalling out since i had new belt installed. engine has self tensioner.
stalls when braking. hot, cold, engine, same thing. stalls when slowing
down to turn. i can eliminate stall sometines if i put stick into neutral
and coast around turns or to a slow stop.
does anyone have an idea what is causing this..

Poss. brake booster or something vacume. run a diagnostic to see if it
brings up any codes.changing belts should have nothing to do with it
really. what happened to the old belt? did you just replace it because of
wear or did it break or was cut/shredded? if this was the circumstance
something has to be out of wack to cause the belt to cut/shred.

You may have parted, loosened or cracked a vacuum hose or line while
playing with the belt job, causing excessive vacuum drop when you also
use the brakes. Try inspecting all vacuum connections & listening for
leaks while it idles. Could also have a fooked brake booster, less
likely at 58k.


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