
Hello all,

See attached for the current state of window channels/fixings from the rear window of the 2A truck cab I'm working on.

Not a lot to go on(!) so I wonder if anyone can tell (or show) me the parts that should have been there?!

From what I can make out, it was 2 channel sections (one for each window) top and bottom, and a single channel on each side- which must mean I'm also needing some spacers? Interestingly I can't find a truck cab in the Spares catalogue.

Fortunately all the Aly bits and the galv bracket are in good condition so hopefully just these bits needed - any suggestions for best supplier?

Many thanks in advance!

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You can buy channel strip in one metre lengths from Craddocks. They also sell the flat head self tapping fixing screws. Not sure why you'd need spacers, if you mean the mounting/ frame for the channel strip to fit to they're difficult to sources. You should need two strips top and bottom for each pane. The parts for those windows are not so widely available now.
How odd - I've put a link at the bottom now. Thanks.

I'll take a look at Craddocks for the channel - that sounds like what I need. The frame is in tact - I found an aluminium spacer between the channel and the frame (similar to what's on the windows) which I guess just makes sure everything lines up - it's pretty simple so I can probably make one if I need another.

Does anybody have any photos I could reference for what order things go in?
I believe it's the same setup as a station wagon sliding rear side window parts and glass wise, so have a look at a parts diagram or manual for that and you'll be sorted.
The series 3 optional parts catalogue has the parts listed , do a web search for smithies landrover comes up with a NZ website where it can be downloaded as pdf it is in number 3 file. More than likely same parts as series 2
Thanks for your help guys - I've got the parts catalogue for series 2/2A bonneted control, but can't see it anywhere in there. I'll take a look at the smithies website

If it's the same as the side windows on the station wagon, that works - and suggests that both windows on the truck cab move because there were 2 channels, and I'm actually just missing the spacer from the other edge...

I'll get some bits from craddocks and see where I get to - expect photos in a few... months!

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