
New Member
Has anybody here ever used a 90 truck cab for an expedition vehicle? Remember a guy doing one a while ago (morocco or somewhere), who had a load of bolted storage boxes in the rear, and a roof rack over the cab.
Nope I aint herd nowt like that fella tell you what though he must be a right nutter, i'd like to know how he got all his gear in it though!
Dunt sound like the best choice. Easy to get all yer stuff nicked & very little usable space unless you pile stuff really high, then it's going to be a sod to get at. Nowhere for a roof tent or to kip in the vehicle.

Nope, wunt be my choice.
I'll borrow you the shoe bike if ya like it'll have about the same amount of storage space as a 90, but you do get the benefit of only three tyres so thats one less to puncture init.! It aint to good in sand though.
where's ya sense of adventure, un doe's nae one know any Landrover history? The mad ****s who did the original London ta singapore did it in 2 80" ragtops
Just thinking about, you do see one or two Land Rover Rapier’s doing expeditions, and they are soft tops.
i dont see why not , you just have to take extra care to make it theft proof , wouldnt be my first choice either though.
i think 90's make excellent overland vehicles though , the limited space stops you bringing loads of crap you aint ever going to use. granted you cant sleep in them unless your very creative but thats what tents are for.
I'm building an expedition 90 and was originally doing a truckcab and replacing the rear tub with a rear tub from a 130 doublecab hiCap. It fits perfectly wheelarch wise, and gives significantly more capacity than a standard 90 tub.

If you can get a box rear from a 130 doublecab even better. Just need a few brackets.

Saying that I'm now just doing a hardtop, but only cos the 130 tub I bought of ebay was ****e.

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