Johnny Landy

New Member
Hi everyone this is my first post on this forum for that matter any forum and after reading some of the theads on here I could see what a vast range of expertise on here , I have driven ,fixed,and rebuilt landys since I passed my test 40 years ago ,I must point out I am NO expert just an enthusiastic landy owner,so here I am hoping there is someone who can give me a pointer in the right direction with a problem I have ,
We have a very original early 90 with the lovely 19j engine yes I know rip it out and put in a 200/300 but it's my sons first wagon and we don't want to modify anything till he get some insurance under his belt and also the engines been rebuilt and running ok (,please remember this bit ) the only prob we had was a diesel leak out of the throttle spindle on the inj pump no prob I thought done it a few before so off came the top of the pump in goes a new o rings jobs a good un , bleed it all through yes I know they can be real pigs anyway starts up runs for a couple of seconds and stops and this is all it will do ,UNLESS I unscrew the bleed screw out of the inj pump and start it and it runs perfect but with diesel coming out of the bleed screw if I try and screw it I whilst it's still running it stops straight away ,I have checked all the pipe work for air leaks and the lift pump any help or suggestions would be most welcome,I was very carefull reassembling the pump and have checked it 3 times but I guess I must have rogered it somehow?
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You'd be berrerer to ask questions about yer tratter in the tratter section. This one is for introductions only

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