
New Member
hi guys and gals, got another petition for you all to sign. this will affect every person who has a car, and the more cars you have the worse it will be.

below is a cutting from an email i received recently;

It is a real goverment web site

Sign and pass it on. It only takes a minute.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to
purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.

The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC,
the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery
driver. Remember...this is per month!!!

A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in
one month.

On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will
know where you are at all times.

They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you
accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect a NIP with your
monthly bill.

If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the car
driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website.

make sure you pass this on to everyone you know.
ere danger mouse, why dont you take your daft pettitions and stick em up your arse. we dont want them on here. if we wanted to sign stupid pointless pettitions we would go to the pointless pettition sites. we dont want political bollocks on landyzone, thesame way we dont want pathetic spammers so either give it a rest or get yer coat !
Surely it it up to those members of the site whether they sign it or not. Maybe he is just highlighting an issue he feels strongly about and is canvasing for support.
Or maybe he's a spammer. I reckon that some-one should start a petition to ask the government to make it illegal for links to internet petitions to be put on fora. I'd sign it.

Just don't post the link to it on here.
And maybe I am 15 live th epoll suggests. Point it w edont know and he could be a genuine block. Whatever happened to giving someone the benefit of the doubt??
ok, i give him the benefit of the doubt, he may not be a spammer, but i still stand by my first post. if you want to talk politics join a political forum. and as fer you brick bollocks, get yerself a spell checker, dunno about 15 my 9 year old can spell better than that ;)
Don't you start with all that big brother malarky. It's bad enough with all over the telly without it starting on here.
i aint talking politics, or maybe i am. however politics affects everything you do. if you want to stick your head in the sand then go ahead, however i still beleive( stupidly) that the 'common man' has a right to state what they feel. signing the petition will no doubt have no effect on government policies. but may in some small way change the way polititians dictate what we do.
the government will introduce the travel tax if they want to, the tax payers will then pay the politicians travel tax. but me, i will have to pay for my own, and my work vehicle,( a necessity for my job) and the landy for the good women.
im happy to pay my way, but it aint like the roads i travel on are in good condition or the money my local council spend on repairs on roads isnt subject to the average houshold income being above £40k a year on that road.

if you dont want to talk about politics on this site, then i hope that you never mention, racism, yob culture, inaffectiveness of the legal system, immigration, booze britain, speeding, etc etc etc.
i aint talking politics, or maybe i am. however politics affects everything you do. if you want to stick your head in the sand then go ahead, however i still beleive( stupidly) that the 'common man' has a right to state what they feel. signing the petition will no doubt have no effect on government policies. but may in some small way change the way polititians dictate what we do.
the government will introduce the travel tax if they want to, the tax payers will then pay the politicians travel tax. but me, i will have to pay for my own, and my work vehicle,( a necessity for my job) and the landy for the good women.
im happy to pay my way, but it aint like the roads i travel on are in good condition or the money my local council spend on repairs on roads isnt subject to the average houshold income being above £40k a year on that road.

if you dont want to talk about politics on this site, then i hope that you never mention, racism, yob culture, inaffectiveness of the legal system, immigration, booze britain, speeding, etc etc etc.

stop rantin and have another drink then go and sign a petition that states "that all people should learn how to spell simple wurds like believe and diesel"

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