

I’ve got a issue with my transmission drum where it’s leaking, I’ve replaced the seal on the transfer box twice and put a new flange on, was fine for a week and now leaking again.
When I replaced the flange I checked the bearing behind the seal and it didn’t seem like it had any play but I’m starting to think it might have slight play destroying the new seals in the process.
When I put the hand brake on it still rolls for a couple cm then stops, also when I change gear and pull away there’s a noticeable clunk when putting throttle on, it’s been like that since I’ve had the truck.

Any help will be appreciated as I'm a little stuck on what to do next!
Try a new seal with a speedi sleeve.
Rolling either way a few inches when hbrake applied is normal.
Slight play on the shaft that the flange fits onto is also normal.

If the clunk is when you change gear then it could be two main things, 1 you have adjusted the hbrake to tight, they have to have much more freeplay than normal cars or, 2 you input gear is worn, try a google search for lt230 gear/worn gear/worn shaft.
The proper fix is a new gear which is cheap and a new shaft which is basically a new/recon gearbox, so the bodger trick is just to fit a new gear, its dirty and people get very upset over it, with lots of stories of mechanical mayhem, but it works and I have done at least 3 and they all went for at least another 50k.

Diagnosing it can be tricky as every transmission part has some play/slop in it, and all that play/slop added together adds up.
it could also be that your not puttingthe seal in squre to the shaft, I has a similar problem new seal next day all the new oil on the floor, so I geo a new flange and an original LR seal, I
7when i compared the seals the LR one was a lot better, but instatation was still the problem I worked out the the disctance the seal needed to go in so the metal dust/mud seal fitted just right, this was 5mm so I used my old flange and nut, I welded 5 mm thick nut on the old flange , and removed the nylock top off the nut, and used it to puch my new LR seal in flush and squarethe photo showes the new LR seal sitting on top of the old flange and mud seal, I have not had any problems since I did this, now more than 2 yearish

if you cant weld on nuts ant bit of plastic tube you can cut a 5mm thick section thats fits the flang will do , just make sure it not a wedge,

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