pete mc

New Member
every time i switch on or switch off thr ignition of my p38 range i get a messagy saying transfer neutral. ihave checked the fuse located under the drivers seat and it is ok. any surgesstions?
Hi you say you have checked the fuse well there should not be a fuse in there? you only put a fuse in to select transfer box neutral,i know the transfer box hi/lo motor has problems and can burn out transfer box ecu,is it auto i ask this as sometimes the H gate can play up sometimes the lights light up on both sides of the H gate can you get low and high range,you normally get this message when the ecu thinks your in low range and wants you to change to high,check connections to hi/lo motor on back of transfer box hope this can also unplug transfer box motor see if message disapeares not sure if it will stay in high though.

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