sir Adrian

New Member
Hello folks,
My wife who is now an ardent landie fan was driving back from Germany this weekend just gone when on a motorway in Belgium heard grating and grinding noise.

Found that the transfer box had packed up just about got it into low range .... so we call up Green flag... only to find we did not have european cover (our fault for not checking small print)

400 Euros to get towed on pick up truck to Dunkirk ... Norfolk line who were extremely helpful helped get the landie en board so they arrive in jolly old blighty and phone green flag and say hey were here can you get us home.. to Luton from Dover... their reply Oh No this is the same problemn as before we will not rescue you and the vehicle.... so they drove the vehicle of the boat in low range only for everything to lock up in customs.... thats were the wagon stayed until today.. it's now in the garage having surgery 800 quids worth btw..... Thanks green flag great job......

Any one else had similiar woes with their transfer box or am I just unlucky????
Odd you should mention it - mine went on a nearly new new 300tdi on the way from Wales to Durham. Managed foolishly to get it to local dealer myself, so the AA refused to hire me a car or indeed do anything to help. Later found out the dealer had fitted a recon box under the warranty, but at least it worked. Mind you that was a crap car - had to have everything else on it replaced as well, and LR were still fixing it for free 6 months after the warranty ran out - that's the point at which the cam belt broke twice in a fortnight and I swapped it for a freelander. I will never go near a 300tdi again.
Hello past master,
I have had the disco for over a year i had the cam belt replaced and found it needed the modification kit.. but to be fair I had read about this prior to buying a disco and thought well hey if it needs it so be it....then nothing major apart from all the electrics going haywire while driving over crazy roads in Latvia in the summer which as soon as we returned seem to correct it's self then while the wife and son take it to Germany on the return bang!!! the transfer box goes....quote so far from local dealer £793 to fix.. ouch!!! but as i'm still impressed with the vehicle i shall get it back on the road....but should i get any more repair bills of this magnitude... then perhaps then a change of vehicle may well be forth coming...
Yes they seem to be pretty good - I think mine was a one-off, but even so... Repair bills much higher on a TD5 though - if it's reliable I'd say stick with it!

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