Cool Breeze

New Member
hello wats happening!! i have a 1989 landrover defender 200tdi. first things first, recently had to get a new clutch fitted, after this was fitted, it was making a like a rattling noise while in neutrel, while in gear it is perfectly fine. I think he may have lined it up with his eye and its off and it is the plates riding?? does this make snense? and do you agree??? the next proplem is it only started recently, dont no if it could be linked! when landrover in reverse it feels like its being forced back and it doesnt want to go, it makes horrible noises and sounds so bad! any ideas?? cheers :)
rattling noise was a big problem 10 years ago which was caused by the clutch they did amend clutches which did cure it but has come back again with some clutch kits normally it goes after a while when everthing beds in nothing to do with alignment gearbox will only fit when aligned properly reverse check hand brake shoes first could be pulling on ,broken springs or wound onto far or linkage,actuator seized

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