
New Member
just a quick question, i know that the front bearing in the transfer box has some play and need replacing(possible causing my rumble at around 65mph), my question is can this be done in place or do i have to take the transfer box off.
It can be done in place. I have both mine to do and will just crawl underneath.

Unbolt prop and hub. Remove seal and c-clip. Use the hub as a puller and tap the bearing out.

A little oil will come out but not a huge amount so have a container ready. Simply knock a new one in and replace clip and seal and you're done.

Probably less than an hour. I did two on a box before it went in and it took us 5 minutes for both.
It can be done in place. I have both mine to do and will just crawl underneath.

Unbolt prop and hub. Remove seal and c-clip. Use the hub as a puller and tap the bearing out.

A little oil will come out but not a huge amount so have a container ready. Simply knock a new one in and replace clip and seal and you're done.

Probably less than an hour. I did two on a box before it went in and it took us 5 minutes for both.

mine is a td5 disco 2 i guess this works for that model.:)

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