personly ide say wheel wise, get a set of steel landy wheels and get the original wheels weled into the LR rim with the center removed, that way u can pick your offset.
personly ide say wheel wise, get a set of steel landy wheels and get the original wheels weled into the LR rim with the center removed, that way u can pick your offset.

the bearings won't take proper wheels, usually just crappy 250kg trailer axles

modified Sankey is what folks usually do
how bout a sankey axle under it?

That could work, but the sankey axel is likely to be be wider (the wheels will need bigger mud gaurds). You would also need to extend all of the legs, buy a bigger jockey wheel and consider the breaking system to the sankey axel.

Might be easier to use the whole sankey chassis and axel.
I have a trailer tent, used for normal camping, i don't think i'd want to take it off road though, it may be ok, but, i think all the twisting and strain you put through it will just wreck it.

You can get proper ones (like roof tents) built onto Sanky's and alike...

I guess it depends how hard core the off-road driving is really.
I guess it depends how hard core the off-road driving is really

If im out on a long camping weekend its usually just laning.... However I would re-inforce the thing or something... I dunno just a thought :) I do like the idea though

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