
New Member
hi all,

so the yellow button on the gear stick, is for hill descents or snow, have read up in the owners manuel on its use etc, but the manual does not cover "lamping rabbits" so thought Id ask here first

will it bugger up anything engine wise if I use this on a flat dirt road, being able to crawl along with both feet off the pedals, whilst hanging out the drivers window shooting poor defenseless furry bunny wabbits would be a big help
beg to differ, but it will, as last owner (shooting buddy) used it that way, I as the new owner just wanted to make sure that using it on a flat surface with no snow will not bugger it up in some way?
I aint tried it but if it does and you know it does why ask?

the clue, for me, is in the title.:p

Hill Descent Control
Hdc will limit the vehicle speed to around 6 mph with your foot off the gas and you are in first or reverse. It can be left switched on all the time as it's only active in first or reverse. In theory you could let the vehicle potter along at 6 mph while you are taking a shot but as to weather you hit what you shot at is another matter ;) I just park up on a local permission and wait for Mr bunny to come out to feed. ;)
and I thought it operated on the throttle the less you used the throttle the more the brakes came on and the more you used the throttle the less the brakes were on we are on about HDC aren't we, if you want a Freelander to crawl along with out the need for feet on the pedals then get a auto.
No it's as Nodge says..... First or reverse gear and feet off controls it will maintain 6 mph controlling throttle and braking automatically.
I certainly stop and fire when lamping with the rimfire, but as I shot this permission either nights with rimfire or days with shotgun, I was thinking I could remove the rear roof, and then get the wife to sit and steer, whilst me shooting, at 6mph with a shotty, no need to be stationary.

but thanks for the answers, I'll give it a go
As nodge says, it will limit to 6mph and probably won't come on when on tick over in 1st as the speed will be low enough for it not to be needed unless you go down hill and it will activate if it detects speed goes too high and feet are oft the pedals.

Don't shoot rabbits. I likes em.
you don't need hdc for what you want to do. just engage 1st and feet off, it will pull itself along quite happily at idle speed.
it says in the book that the HDC uses intermittent application of the brakes to limit the speed and the descent can be controlled by the throttle alone -if the throttle is not pressed then the HDC will select its minimum target speed which is just a few mph and if the clutch is pressed or the brakes over heat through prolonged use the system will "fade out" gradually ,indicated by the HDC warning light flashing. this HDC is meant for descending slopes ,it is not used for on the flat.
I use it all the time in my field to avoid churning up the soil - select and let it go 6mph - you will hear the abs brakes kicking in often so this may disturb the rabbits. I have a slow out if the field and it goes up no problem - I feels as though it increases speed to compensate.

TD4 2003

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