
New Member

Just tried to start the new 90 up (V8 / auto / LPG) and after a 'click' there seems to be no electrical power. I've measured the battery - shows 12.9V.

There seems to be an isolator by the battery box, but this seems to have been by passed.

Any ideas?


Do you get any lights on the dash?
Is there an imobiliser?
The 'isolator' describe?
Is it 'by-passed' with a bit of wire with an inline fuse by any chance?
If the dash lights up, then you are looking at an inhibitor somewhere, possibly an imobiliser, or tyhe fuel pump safety cut-out.
Imobilisers are a pain.......
But of there's an isolator, common to by pass with a low amp fuse to allow small current to the clock and raio etc to keep time and momory functions alive, but any greater current draw, like trying to start the engine will melt the fuse and stop the car being nicked.... (in theory!)
If you got no dash lights/no power at all yet battery ok you may have corrosion within the main + battery lead or the connectors on either end. I had this problem on my last Discovery so why not try removing the + lead from the battery to the main underbonnet fuse box and either replace or soak in a bicarbonate of soda solution. The giveaway sign is alot of fizzing, thats the corrosion you cant see.

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