
New Member
That was some excellent fording courtesy of Adz' knowledge of Berkshire. 2 foot deep (+ potholes). Fairly minor challenge for HB & Adz in doosul Deependers, but a bit more of a challnge in a petroil V8 Series III!

All acomplished with no injury..............oh, except Daft. You'll have to wait for HBs footage to see why. Daft old raspberry!

C'mon the HB, videos, videos, videos, videos. :D
That was some excellent fording courtesy of Adz' knowledge of Berkshire. 2 foot deep (+ potholes). Fairly minor challenge for HB & Adz in doosul Deependers, but a bit more of a challnge in a petroil V8 Series III!

All acomplished with no injury..............oh, except Daft. You'll have to wait for HBs footage to see why. Daft old raspberry!

C'mon the HB, videos, videos, videos, videos. :D

Oh he aint been paddling again has he. Hope he had his life jacket on.
naw - i took them - but they wouldnt wear em - or the crash hats - sommat about being a wooss!

I was Ok until Adz tried running me over:(
Anyways, weren't it good? Bow waves up to the top of the breakfast & some 'interesting' underwater holes to negotiate! Two good fords too, an' one wee one to finish off.
Come on stop doing yer bleedin nails an get the vids on!!

Why yer using a stick Floppy.