
Hello again,well I'm back again this time its a new fault, my disco is running fine apart from a troublesome xyz switch which I'm in the midst of sorting. but the main problem is I have a recurring fault code which is topside switch failed post injection, there's a lot of posts about pre injection but none on the post injection, anybody able to shed some light on this please.
Hi, it's complicated, in a nutshell: that ''topside switch" thing is about a RC charging circuit within the ECU which contains those two big capacitors and some resistors, a circuit like this has a transient response time which can be shorter or longer hence the pre or post injection thing... the gist is that once a "topside switch failed ..." fault is current(regardless that it's pre or post injection) there is a problem with the capacitor(s), with a resistor or with the PCB so you can't rely on that ECU anymore cos it can cut out while driving unexpected or it can become unstartable so better get hold of a replacement ECU or send your's to a ECU repair specialist ASAP. .... possible symptoms described better here
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