
Active Member

I have started to notice a dramatic drop in top end power.

4th gear hills are now 3rd gear hills, it takes forever to get to 40mph etc...

Can I have some ideas of possible problems?

I can confirm the rings are still nice and tight so that is one tick off the list.


Petrol tank fuel pick-up pipe.

On my series we fitted a new tank, that had been sat on the dealers shelf for 10+ years so got it cheap, swilled out with petrol and fitted, worked fine till going uphill then really struggled to hold speed under load.

Took top off the tank and the pick-up has a cone-shaped gauze filter that was totally covered in a paste, probably dust and accumulated crap, which we had to scrape off. When the filter was properly clean we re-fitted it, no worries, restored all former power, admittedly minimal, but you know what I mean .. ;)
i've had this, and it was my injectors.
basic compression test, run the engine and crack each injector off and listen to the change in the rev's. by the sound of it, one cylinder was fine, 2 were running but not as well as the first and the 4th had gone on holiday.
I got my gf to recon the injectors and it made a world of difference.

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