a brilliant days laneing today with even mr robin t making an appearance:D

fair play to tom for getting to grips with his v8 fender and its water abilities(snorkel nxt m8) abd for soon realising that every v8 owner needs a rag and wd40 in the tool box

a few casualties were had when we got to the infamous watering holes round the plains.

darren got himself well n truely stuck(we all know where it is;)) 2 discos couldnt pull him out i gave it a go having extra clearance and not bogging down on the diffs,but i soon found out my rear bumper wasnt as solid as once thought:mad:

tis gone:D

wheres darren stuck?


off the top of me head i think darren broke.
passenger wing
passenger door
drivers window
main drive belt
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did see you all leaving shaftesbury this morning thought the tell tubby was with you, looked like you all had fun :D
i fink he recived a bit of bad information before he arrived , we should of gave him a fishing pole :D:D
Cheers for a good day out wlm was a good route with plenty of entertainment lol !,

I've not seen the mud run that bad/good before I thought at one point we may have to leave him in there lol !!!! :)
Cheers for a good day out wlm was a good route with plenty of entertainment lol !,

I've not seen the mud run that bad/good before I thought at one point we may have to leave him in there lol !!!! :)
trusty 8274 hung on in there:D

thanks for the offer of the trailer tho keith.:tea:
Looks like a cracking day out, wish I could've made it, spent the day doing chores and cutting grass instead. Next time, hopefully...

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