
New Member
hey folks.
just wondering if anyone knows if toms farm is still open?
what its like for campin?

you shouldnt have any problems with space available for camping as Toms farm is closed. lol
when did toms farm close then ??????
because a few of my mates have been there recently with there moto x bikes and landys.
[ame=""]YouTube - Defender has difficulties. River run, Toms Farm[/ame]
not been myself as yet but planning to very soon
The Mid Wales Journal (19/6/09) is reporting that both Tom and his wife have apparently pleaded not guilty to charges of breaching a prohibition order made under the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act by Powys CC. The case has been referred to Crown Court, as Magistrates "declined jurisdiction". Said prohibition order basically bans the pay and play activities on the site.

The case will apparently be heard at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court on the 10th of July.
:Dbriercliffe 4x4 has reopened and is now run by mads 4x4 :D
cown quarry its just not open oct, but open nov 29 for 4x4.. but open other time for bikes.
parkwood, tong, is open 11 oct, i will be goin here
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Toms Farm aint shut, i'll try and explain it to the best of my ability cuz i've been in contact with Tom himself quite often and this has come straight from his mouth...ish, basically it all started cuz the neighbours were complaing about big fires n fireworks etc (how they seen em i dont know) plus the 2 wheeled idiots that ride with no lids on n injur themselves etc.

Tom has a licence for picnic and parking lol and stands by the fact that what you do on there is none of his business. However the track that leads to his land through the forest is forestry commission owned and the police leaned on the forestry commission and they withdrew access. Then the police stationed one man at the end of this track during peak hours on a fri n sat who fined everyone going on and off £30 for tresspassing on forestry land even Tom ~(if u were goin on u got turned away and fined... bad times). Tom said if you get there early doors on a sat or late fri night he wont be there same when u are leaving leave after 6/7 and he wont be there or if he's there turn around go get a maccys and go back up later, its only one copper he has to go on breaks and aint there all day, however if he catches u on the way out its a £30 fine, nothing else so its a gamble innit.

This was a few weeks back and he was contesting it as he has used the access to the land for 54 years, and from what i can gather he won the right to use the track again, although i havent spoke to him for about 2 weeks now my friends went up there last weekend with their quads and the policeman was there but didnt stop them. The only lad he stopped was the one in a company van making sure he was insured to be there and carrying bikes on a sat etc, generally being an asshole, luckily he owned the company and on they went had a great day and come home.

If you wanna contact Tom to confirm this his number is 01597 870202 he never answers but leave a brief message he will ring u back within a day or so, be prepared for a lengthy chat. Just remember if you do go on there just have a bit of general respect remember where u are.

With regards to camping its awesome but drive somewhere away from the masses/idiots other wise u will be kept up till 5am then the 2 strokes start at 6am lol
So what your saying is its an unlicensed place so its free then??? apart from the £30 fine you pay the old bill???
Erm yeah obv it would be rude not to make a donation to tom if he's about for using his unlicensed land ;) .... the £30 fine is a gamble on the way off innit toms is well worth that anyway (its not an asbo style fine like the one i got for goin up near the windfarms in rochdale where they take vehicle details and next time its pounded) its just a £30 ticket. Its not hard to avoid, u would have to be daft getiin one going on cuz if he's there (in toms words) "go back in the village for an hour or so have a brew n come back.. he will be gone" just drive past him and turn round, dont turn round where he is or its a fine.

But like i said, mates went up there back in August got fined on way off, this didnt phase em and they went again weekend just gone, copper was there but they just went on, he stopped the company van one but could do nothing, so im guessing he won the right to use the lane again.

Give him a bell he's dead helpful, he'll give u his life story if u ask, even told me how much he makes on peak weekends.... its sickening
what is the £30 fine for? what section of the road traffic act are you contraviening? surely plod should issue a written warning first and then a fine(or summonse) for any subsiquent offenses.
what is the £30 fine for? what section of the road traffic act are you contraviening? surely plod should issue a written warning first and then a fine(or summonse) for any subsiquent offenses.

Driving on land not forming part of a public highway is an offence unless you have the landowners permission If the FC haven't granted you permission to drive the lane leading to Tom's then you are breaking the law. Also if Tom is claiming that he hasn't given people permission to pay and play then you could be prosecuted or given a section 59 notice. If he is saying you've got permission then he's in breach of the HSE, banning order.
what is the £30 fine for? what section of the road traffic act are you contraviening? surely plod should issue a written warning first and then a fine(or summonse) for any subsiquent offenses.

Tresspassing on forestry comission land
Driving on land not forming part of a public highway is an offence unless you have the landowners permission If the FC haven't granted you permission to drive the lane leading to Tom's then you are breaking the law. Also if Tom is claiming that he hasn't given people permission to pay and play then you could be prosecuted or given a section 59 notice. If he is saying you've got permission then he's in breach of the HSE, banning order.

Tom has a licence for pinicing and parking, i just drive around on there looking for a good place to park and have a picnic
Tom has a licence for pinicing and parking, i just drive around on there looking for a good place to park and have a picnic

Heheheh, good solution ... can just picture it ...

Police Officer "Is the middle of a river gully a suitable place for a picnic? "

Taxed "Dunno, but we wanted to find out"

Police Officer "OK, so is the side of a hill with a muddy pond at the bottom of it a good place for a picnic?"

Taxed "Dunno, but we drove up it to see if the picnic site at the top had a decent view, then down again 'cos it didn't and the water looked so cool and inviting on such a warm, dry day"

Taxed "Dunno, but we drove up it to see if the picnic site at the top had a decent view, then down again 'cos it didn't and the water looked so cool and inviting on such a warm, dry day"


You would be nicked there and then for lieing to plod.......

Wales is never warm and dry! :D

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