
Having a senior moment
Well Blimey... just toook Kai to spend an afternoon with Tom Sheppard. Jai supplied the transport and what a great afternoon. He's forgotten more about off roading and overland travel than I will ever learn. Go his book Quiet for a Tuesday" signed too, and Kai has come away with a DVD of some of the most brilliant desert photos that he has taken during his travels.
Altogether a great afternoon with great company. (Even if he does drive a G-Wagon not a landy!)

Many thanks to Redhand without whose recommendation we wouldn't have had such an inspiring day.

Oh and one other thing... "Quiet for a Tuesday" is a wonderful book, I've had to put it down to write this post!
Opps really major oops. It was Griff who recommended TS not Red. Sorry for any misunderstanding!
Big thanks again for getting to visit Tom Sheppard. He certainly knows his stuff and would recommend anyone wanting to go overland to talk to him and read all his books before planning anything. Jai

P.s The Book I brought is an amazing piece of reading its exactly what you need before you plan any trips it covers everything!! Jai

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